Are You ready to live your most Vibrant Life?


Hello Gorgeous,

I know you’ve been dimming your light for way too long now. Putting yourself on the back burner until everyone else is happy first right? There’s work or school or family or friends, then the cooking or cleaning or working out etc. The list is never ending!

When was the last time you did something just because it lights you up? What would happen if you suddenly started putting yourself first?

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Julisa Golden

Certified Hypnotherapist, Postpartum Doula, Registered Yoga Teacher and so much more!

I have spent years studying the female reproductive system and how it affects our everyday lives. I've found that Womxn’s Wellness begins with her cycle. From finding love, to starting motherhood, or running a business, it all starts with being the best YOU!



the state of being full of energy and life


Sync Your Cycle

Optimize your life and business by hacking your own cycle!


Magnetic Love

Heal your heart and attract real, lasting love

Vibrant Mama

Start your motherhood journey feeling supported and confident

Vibrancy Intensive

Rule over you emotions like a QUEEN


Talk to Me

Book your free thirty minute call with me!

No matter what phase you are at on your wellness journey, having someone to help guide and support you in invaluable.
