Terms & Policies



By registering for our program you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts and that you are at least 18 years old, that all information you provide us with is materially true and accurate at all times and not misleading in any way. You accept that communication with us will be mainly electronic. We will contact you by e-mail or provide you with information by posting notices on our site. You agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. We may vary these Terms (other than the price payable by you for the program) as we see fit from time to time and if we do, we shall notify you by email of the change of terms. Your continuation with the program will be deemed to be your acceptance of any new Terms.


All coaching sessions and packages will be the designated length promised at the time of purchase. Scheduled calls and in person sessions will be subject to a 24 hour cancellation policy or will be forfeit. Please contact us if you need to reschedule as soon as possible and we will happily move the session to a mutually agreed upon time. The program will be provided over the course specified on the sales page and shall be delivered by a combination of online sessions, telephone sessions, one on one in person sessions, or as a downloadable product as detailed on the sales page. The date and time of all telephone sessions and in person sessions are as set out on the site but are subject to change. We will provide you with as much notice of any change as is possible but we shall not be liable to you in any way for any change to such dates or times. We will honor all sessions scheduled within the designated program time frame. You will not lose sessions in the event of our need to reschedule. .


The total price payable for the program is as set in the sales page at time of purchase. You may choose to pay by installments or in one lump sum and the total price payable shall depend upon which option you have chosen. If you choose to pay in installments a deposit is required on registration. You will then be invoiced for a further installments for the amount set out on the sales page at time of purchase every 30 days until the total price payable has been paid. Such invoices must be paid within 3 days of the date of the invoice. Payment is to be made by any method that is detailed on our site from time to time. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy that we may have, if any sum payable under these terms is not paid within 3 days of the date due we reserve the right to charge interest from the date due for payment to the actual date of payment at the rate of 3% above the base rate and/or suspend the availability of the program until such time as payment is made or the Contract is terminated. All payments are non-refundable.


We are the owner or the licensee of all Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights in the program and all content within the program and nothing in these Terms or otherwise shall operate to transfer the ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights in the program or the content of the program to you or to any other person. You may not at any time copy, reproduce, publish in any form, share, sell, dispose of or otherwise make available to a third party in any way any of the content or materials contained in the program. We grant to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub licensable revocable licence to use all or any of the content of the program for the purposes for which the program were provided only. Except as set out in this paragraph, you may not use any of our intellectual property rights at any time except where duly licensed. Use of our logo is strictly prohibited without our prior written consent. You may not without our prior written consent make any audio or visual recordings of any part of our program. We may from time to time record the program being delivered during your attendance. You authorize us to use your image and voice in any such recordings without payment, other condition or need for further consent. You acknowledge that certain information contained in the program and program materials is already in the public domain. You are not permitted to sell or promote products or services to other participants in the program at or during any part of our program without our prior written permission. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive termination of the Contract.


We warrant to you that the program materials purchased from us is of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for the purpose for which the program is supplied. Due to the nature of coaching and the fact that your success is dependent on a number of factors over which we have no control, we do not guarantee any particular results. We will endeavor to ensure that all information that we provide is accurate and up-to-date but we shall not be liable for any claims arising from such information being inaccurate or not up-to-date or otherwise. Nothing on our "site" www.vibrantvixen.com or in any of our programs is meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, disease, injury, ailment, or death. We are not a therapist, doctor, or medical professional of any kind and are therefore not to be used in place of medical treatment for physical health, mental health, or otherwise. You understand that we provide information based on personal experience and cannot guarantee any particular result or outcome. You participate in our programs and use the "site" www.vibrantvixen.com at your own risk, as we are not liable for any illness, disease, injury, ailment, or death that occurs as a result