Work with me and I'll show you how to unlock that inner glow that makes you magnetic to others.

In this program you'll find:

* A deeper connection with yourself as you are reminded who you truly are

* Confidence in your decision making as you make choices that are aligned with your desires

* Healthier relationships as you learn to set boundaries and value yourself

* Taking inspired action toward the life you've always dreamed of

* Balanced wellness as we look at the whole person, and make changes from the inside out

* Vibrancy! - an inner glow that makes you magnetic to others


You'll be ready to let go of:

* The fear of letting people in

* Thinking you'll be alone forever

* Feeling stuck while everyone around you in moving on with their lives

* Pretending to be happy while on the inside you feel like crying

* Dreading family events where everyone asks if you're "seeing anyone"

* Spending nights alone drinking wine and secretly reading trashy romance novels

Why Me?

I've experienced loss of love, I've gone to the depths of grief. I spent years trying anything and everything suggested to me. 10 years later, I finally found something that works. I found a way back to myself. I found real healing. I found true love.

If you are tired of feeling alone at all your friend's weddings or baby showers, if you are ready to make real change. If you want an alternative approach to grief and healing, then this program is for you. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken or damaged goods. You just need a little guidance to find your way home to yourself.


How does it work?

Sign up below to book your free 30 min call!

We'll talk about your story and make sure it’s a good fit for coaching

Once you've signed up we'll begin our three month journey of total transformation!


Book a complementary 30 min consultation!


 The Program

9 x 60 minute sessions where we dive deep into whats keeping you stuck in a life you don't love

~ Personalized weekly assignments to keep the momentum up between sessions

~ A reading list so you can get inspired by other people who have transformed their lives

~ Direct email access to me between calls

~ Don't like email? I'll also include Voxer access so we can voice message back and forth!


Balanced Wellness

One of the biggest struggles with Western Medicine is that it treats every issue as a separate matter. We end up running around from specialist to specialist who all recommend something different.

I have found more lasting results come from an integrated approach. That's why this program is designed to address all of you: mind, body, and spirit.



The first month will focus on the mind.

We'll take a look at the ways your subconscious is fighting all the positive changes you try to make. We'll bust open those limiting beliefs and get your conscious and subconscious working toward a common goal. We can't get far until we make up our minds that what we want is possible for us.



Emotional trauma almost always has a physical manifestation. The second month we'll focus on getting you feeling good in your body again.

Although we will focus on food that makes you feel good and moving your body, this is not about weight loss This part is all about giving her the love she deserves. But trust me, people will notice the change and you'll still have friends asking you "What's your secret?!"


The third month is were we focus on integration.

While all three areas will overlap, this is were we pay attention to how they are combined in daily life. This is not about religion or worshiping a deity, this is about finding your own inner goddess. We'll work on cultivating your own intuition so you can make confident decisions and take massive action toward your desires!



Are you ready for a Vibrant life and BIG LOVE?