Winter Solstice

This turning point marks the true New Year to me. The Sun is reborn and begins its growing phase again, just as the New Moon does each month. With it being in the sign of Capricorn, it’s a great time to set intentions for the year.

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Julisa Golden
I did a Hormone Balancing Detox and Here’s What Happened

Perhaps it was because I spent 12 years of my life on hormonal birth control completely unaware of the long-term effects it would have on my body. Or maybe because I turned 30 this year and was already starting to panic about my ability to have children in the future. Or maybe it was because in her book she explains that all the PMS symptoms I’d thought were a normal part of being a woman, were in fact hormone imbalances that could be remedied by taking care of my health.

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Autumn Equinox

This holiday, known as Mabon, is sometimes called the Witch’s Thanksgiving. It’s the beginning of Fall, the harvest season, and a time to give thanks for the bounty of Summer. To celebrate all that we’ve accomplished and the abundance all around. 

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Julisa Golden Comment
How to Decrease Stress

As I got overwhelmed trying to learn something new, I turned to something I was comfortable with. It made me feel more in control of my environment, boosted my confidence in my skills, and of course was delicious.

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How I Know I've Changed

Lessons from a Toxic Ex

So my response to his hateful words is a surprising one: Thank you.

Thank you for reminding me why I no longer want you in my life. Thank you for taking me to my rock bottom so that I could climb my way back out. Thank you for pushing me to face all my demons. Thank you for showing me how strong I really am. Thank you for making it clear just how much I have changed and grown. Thank you for reminding me how much love and support I have in my current relationship.

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