Full Moon Aries
“Being open to receiving support does not make you any less strong. ”
The Moon appears full when it is illuminated by the Sun’s light. This happens when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the sky, meaning they are in opposite signs. For example, the Libra season Full Moon happens in the sign of Aries.
The Full Moon represents the climax of the Lunar Cycle. All the energy of the New Moon has been building up to this point. It is the time we feel most alive, high energy. There is a desire to connect, to gather, and to celebrate. Mirrored in the menstrual cycle by ovulation, it also represents the sigh of relief as all that built up energy is released. It is a time to let go, be free, and embrace the wild feminine.
The second half of the year brings the return of Aries and the self. Just like the Libra Full Moon 6 months ago, the challenge is to find balance between your own needs and the needs of those you love. This month we’ve been focusing on cultivating soulful relationships. However, it’s the tendency of women to put everyone else’s needs above our own. Often we forget to ask for what we need, until the resentment, burn out, and overwhelm have built up to the point of total breakdown. Usually, the people we love have no problem giving us what we need, they are just unaware of what that really is. It’s our responsibility to express those needs in the first place. I’ll admit it’s really nice when they recognize it without you having to ask. But since we may speak different Love Languages, it’s not fair to expect others to know how you prefer to be shown love.
Aries is independent and self-assured, with the confidence to do it all on her own. However, the Moon illuminating this sign is a reminder to accept help when it is offered. Just because you can do it yourself doesn’t mean you need to. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve brushed off offers to help. Even at our monthly Moon Circles, people often offer to help clean up and I always used to say “I’ve got it!” But what would be the harm in letting someone help? The quote at the top reminds us that it doesn’t diminish our value to accept help, no one is saying that you can’t do it all, just that you don’t have to.
Both Libra and Aries are cardinal signs which are great for taking initiative and making fresh starts. It’s a great time to release any relationships that aren’t serving you, or old hurts you’ve been holding on to. Often when a relationship ends, we find ourselves obsessing over what we did wrong or how we failed. Rejection is hard, but it’s important to remember that we are human. No one is perfect and it is okay to have emotional reactions. When we hold on to past mistakes or past hurts it can become crippling or create challenges in future relationships. It is in our nature to compare current relationships to past experiences. But if we aren’t careful, we end up sabotaging the new relationship based on the fears of the past. Use tonight’s meditation to create a clean slate for your current relationships.
On The Full Moon
The Full Moon ritual is similar to that of the New Moon. However, instead of setting intentions we focus our energy on the release. It is a perfect time to celebrate what we have achieved and let go of what has kept us stuck. I also suggest burning your lists in a fire safe manner. Fire helps transmute any negative energies and bring them back to neutral. It is especially powerful for letting go.
Set the space for inner work.
Suggested crystals: Rose Quartz and Tiger’s Eye. Suggested oils: Grapefruit and Lemon
Full Moon meditation
Journal Questions
Releasing List
Gratitude list
Closing ritual:
Closing phrase: “Under the light of the Full Moon, I am cleansed. I know that I am blessed, and I live my life within that knowing.”
Burn your lists in a fire safe way.
Journal Prompts
What has shifted for you over the last 6 months?
How has your daily routine shifted since prioritizing health?
What changes do you notice in how you feel each day?
What is your primary love language, and how well are your loved ones speaking it?
What past experiences have you been letting affect your current relationships?
Releasing List
Forgive yourself of at least 5 moments you hurt someone you loved.
Gratitude List
At least 5 people who make you feel loved.