Health and Habits

“It’s not about how a body looks, but what a body can do, and how a body can feel.”

~ Ruby Warrington

It’s time to get organized! As the second Earth Sign, Virgo brings us back to the grounded and practical after the wildfire of last month. In fact, it’s known as the perfectionist sign, taking an organized and detail-oriented approach to things. With the playfulness of summer winding down, everyone starts to prepare for fall. Getting organized, going back to school and work, and settling back into routines. Utilize this energy by creating a routine you love rather than letting it just sort of happen.

Consistency in our daily habits and rituals seeps out to create consistency in other areas of life as well. What you prioritize on the daily ends up being what you prioritize in life. Take a look at how you spend your time each day. Does it reflect your values? If not, see how you can bring those two things into alignment. Check back in with the self-care rituals you set during Cancer Season Have you been consistent with them or are they in need of a re-boot?

The Earth Element represents the body, so Virgo Season is a great time to focus on our physical health. How well you treat your body determines how much you can do with it. The quote at the top is a reminder that health is about more than losing weight to fit a beauty ideal. It’s about how your body functions and the amazing things it’s able to do! Before becoming an astrologist, I was studying to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy. My fascination with the body’s ability to heal itself is how I discovered meditation and its healing powers. From there I fell down the rabbit hole of spirituality and wellness. Although I decided not to go the medical route, I am still passionate about physical health and learning all the ways we can support our bodies. My current obsession is Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten. In her book she explains how to re-balance your hormones after being on birth control. I think every woman needs to read this book so that she understands what her body is doing on a monthly basis. Especially if you’re interested in harnessing the MAGIC of your cycle! And if you are currently on hormonal birth control, you need to read it ASAP so you can make an informed decision about what you put in your body.

Your Challenge for this month is to commit to a daily health routine. What can you do each day to prioritize your health? Maybe it’s eating veggies at every meal, or doing 30 minutes of physical activity every day, or going to bed at the same time each night. See if you can bring in the playful energy from last month and make it fun. Remember, this is for you!

Resources for Virgo Season 

Chakra: Root – Earth Element, physical body, grounding

Crystals: Sapphire and Bloodstone

Essential Oils: Clove

Reading: Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten

Challenge: Daily Health Routine

On The New Moon 

Take some time by yourself to set intentions for the new cycle. Remember this is your practice, there are no rules. Allow yourself some freedom to experiment with what works for you. 

  • Set the space for inner work.

  • New Moon meditation

  • Journal Questions

  • Gratitude List

  • Set Intentions

  • Closing ritual:

 Closing phrase: “This or something better manifests for me now, under grace and in perfect ways.” 

Affirmation: “I am in tune with my body.” 


Journal Prompts 

What are your thoughts about your body when you look at yourself in the mirror?

Are those thoughts serving you? If not, how can you re-frame them into positive statements?

What is one unhealthy habit you are committing to let go of this cycle?

What new habit can you replace it with that will serve you better?

In an ideal world what would your daily routine look like? Feel like?

What’s one thing you can commit to doing today that will bring you closer to that reality?


Gratitude List 

At least 5 things you love about your physical body