Winter Solstice
The shortest day and longest night. When the Sun reaches zero degrees Capricorn, it marks the completion of our decent into Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a turning point as the days will now start getting longer. It represents a time of hope and renewal with the promise of the Sun’s return.
The traditional holiday, also known as Yule or Yuletide, is where we draw many of our December customs.
Decorating evergreen trees represents the triumph of life over death. Wreaths represent the Wheel of the Year and the continuous nature of all cycles and seasons. The burning of a Yule log even retains the holiday’s original name, with the fire representing the return of the Sun. The lighting of candles reflects this as well, along with joy and blessings.
Just like the New Moon or the menstruation phase in our monthly cycles, this time of reduced light and energy is best for recharge.
Utilize the quiet of Winter by making time for stillness. Tuning in to your intuition helps bring clarity to whatever you desire to create in your life. This is a time to dream in the darkness of night. The world around us is hibernating in preparation for spring. Conserve your energy so that you too are ready to bloom when the time comes.
Our Western culture tends to avoid the energy of Winter and the desire to rest. I’ll admit I avoided Winter for a long time, choosing to create a false Summer by staying busy and never slowing down. Honestly, I was afraid of what I might feel in the quiet. I would be faced with my own grief and pain. The trouble is, if you shut out the pain then you also shut out the pleasure. So I ended up numb and isolated, unable to experience real connection. It wasn’t until I started to see the power in allowing myself to feel, that things started to shift.
This turning point marks the true New Year to me.
The Sun is reborn and begins its growing phase again, just as the New Moon does each month. With it being in the sign of Capricorn, it’s a great time to set intentions for the year. This Earth sign is all about practical steps toward the long-term vision, and slow and steady progress toward your goals. It makes sense that we set New Year’s resolutions during this season!
Here’s a simple ritual for the Winter Solstice to help you tap into the New Year energy. Begin by reflecting on the past year and celebrating how much you’ve done. Make of list of highlights, and then use that to propel you into setting your intentions for the coming year. You can even take it a step further and create a Vision Board with images of both your highlights and future desires.
If you’d like to know more about the seasons, cycles, and how to work with each phase you can contact me at I’m also offering a discount code SOLSTICE for 25% off my services to readers!